As you know stress and trauma are common components of virtually all mental and physical health conditions.
The services I offer complement treatments by medical and mental health professionals. This approach fills a gap. It is one step below traditional talk-based, or somatic based psychology, and one step above medical principles.
It builds on the story of the stress and trauma, then integrates the embodied experience of the stress and trauma. This is an effective approach for resolving deeply held stress and trauma. This approach is especially beneficial for adults who experience issues that involve their health, families, relationships or their childhood.
These services are based in:
- Advanced mind-body principles and skills - Touch, massage and bodywork skills - Somatic principles - Integrated health, complementary and alternative health principles - Western principles of stress & trauma - Physiology factors in child development
See: Integrated Health Modalities.
This approach addresses mind-body mechanisms at deep layers of stress and trauma that influence issues such as:
- Self-concept - Existence character structure - Disorganized attachment - Primary organization and coherence - Choking on self expression - Self worth - Entrenched worry - Shame, nausea or self-disgust - Desire to hide or disappear - Helplessness and hopelessness - Survival response - Collapse - Resilience and health - Stress and illness - And other deep physical issues that effect mind, body and being
Sessions are held with the client seated in a chair, moving in the room and, or, lying on a massage table.
Common Aspects of the Trauma Approach The common trauma resolution principles and skills include:
Uncommon Aspects of the Trauma Approach
These uncommon principles draw upon evidence based science and integrated my independent scholarship. It integrates both a top down and a bottom up approach. Meaning, the head influences the body and the body influences the head.
In these sessions, we access layers below:
Uncommon skills and principles include:
My Personal Journey
This integrated approach is informed by my personal journey through a long medical trauma.
Collaboration with Licensed Therapists
These sessions explore body-centered insights that support your sessions with your Licensed therapist.
See: Collaboration
I encourage clients to consult licensed health care professionals that fit their needs: such as, Naturopathy, Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Western Medicine, Nurse Practitioners, Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Counseling, yoga therapy. If you have any question about my approach or sessions, please contact me.